Inspiration and lessons for your leadership journey! "Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every New Year find you a better man or woman." Happy New Year’s! This week's blog is dedicated to my daughter, Jessica, and my new son-in-law, Jonathan, who were married yesterday afternoon - with yours truly officiating! Congratulations and the best of love to you both! Are you a better man or woman than you were a year ago? If you can't respond with a resounding "Yes!" then this is a great time to get started. Get out your copy of A Travel Guide to Leadership and review Chapter 3, GPS for Leaders - Leah and I are. It's the time of the year to re-examine your Life Mission Statement. Does your Vision, Mission, and Purpose still fit well with you? What about your guiding principles or values? What is one goal you can add under each pillar? Remember, that although we reflect on the past year to learn and envision goals and dreams for the New Year, all we ever truly have is the present moment. As part of this process, I offer to you three extras for your reflection: A new and inspiring video from Danish Ahmed and a couple of links to blogs that might also be inspirational and informative for you as a leader looking to the New Year. Don't forget this week's affirmations. May 2013 be a year of happiness, success, love, and abundance for you and yours! Happy New Year's and... Have an amazing journey today! Alan If you like this video clip, I encourage you to share it with the world and join me on my journey to empower and inspire millions of people around the globe. Don't forget to share it with your family, friends, and colleagues! Together we can spread words of Encouragement, Inspiration, Empowerment, and Loving Leadership... and wouldn't you agree our world could use a little more "Positivity" these days? Together we can make a difference... Bonus #2: A New Year’s Wish For Leaders Posted on December 27, 2012 by Wayne Kehl A blog from Linked2Leadership which asks some tough questions for 2013. A good read for anyone looking towards self-improvement. Bonus #3: The More You Give, The More You Get (A new strategy for performance management in 2013) Posted on December 23, 2012 by Dave Witt A must read if you have to do any type of performance review in the coming months. This Week's Affirmations (Repeat these quietly to yourself multiple times throughout the day.) I am overcoming my vices, putting aside my anger, adopting an attitude of pure positive thoughts and actions, and making a concerted effort to be a better person. I am having conversations about personal or professional growth with those I lead. Let’s love the world together! Together, we can change the world! Happy New Year's and... Have an amazing journey today! Alan
Inspiration and lessons for your leadership journey! “Sometimes our light goes out but is blown again into flame by an encounter with another human being. Each of us owes the deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this inner light." ~ Albert Schweitzer ~ Seasons greetings! My wish for you in this season of light is that you will be blessed and that those you lead will be blessed by you! This Week's Affirmations (Repeat these quietly to yourself multiple times throughout the day.) I am blessed with all things good! I am blessed with beauty, order, and abundance! When there is only darkness and the storms of life are closing in, the light at the core of my being illuminates the world! I bring blessings to others! I am changing the world! Happy holidays to you and yours and... Have an amazing journey today! Alan Inspiration and lessons for your leadership journey! “It's so much easier to be happy, my love. It's so much easier to choose to love the things that you have, and you have so much, instead of always yearning for what you're missing, or what it is you're imagining you're missing. It's so much more peaceful." ~ Kate Gulden (played by Meryl Streep) ~ I've been told by people who I work with or who know me that I'm one of the most positive, happy people around. Really? That floors me when I hear it because, for most of my life, I haven't been and I still struggle every day with choosing to be. Today's quote serves as a reminder to all of us that being happy is a choice. It comes from a 1998 movie that Leah and I watch every holiday season, One True Thing, starring Meryl Streep, Renee Zellweger, and William Hurt. It's the story of a very ambitious, unsatisfied, and judgmental young woman and her relationship with her parents as they struggle with the mother's terminal cancer (brilliantly played by Meryl Streep) through the holiday season. If you've read A Travel Guide to Leadership and/or this blog, you've also heard me reiterating the point of choosing to love and be grateful for what you have. It's a basic lesson of life that was hard for me to learn, at first. But the part of the quote that's even harder for me to grapple with, is the part about yearning for what "you're imagining you're missing." I have a pretty vivid imagination and I seem to yearn for a lot! That might just be the problem. What do you imagine you're missing? When your thoughts, feelings, and energy - your state of being - vibrates with wanting or, as Kate more eloquently puts it, yearning for something or someone, your whole being begins to vibrate in a state of lack - the exact opposite of what you actually want. You can read more about this on pages 77-79. Choose to be happy, joyous, and grateful for the blessings currently present in your life - that's where you will find joy. Now, that doesn't mean we don't continue to work for creating growth, change, and a better way, but while we do, we can do so happily. It's so much more peaceful. Enjoy this week's video and affirmations! Have an amazing journey today! Alan This Week's Affirmations (Repeat these quietly to yourself multiple times throughout the day.) My thoughts produce my reality. I am truly blessed! I can choose to be happy! I make the decision to be happy! Inspiration and lessons for your leadership journey! “Managers accustomed to using certain practices to engage boomers are going to have to change their ways - and practices - if they hope to engage and retain the newest heavily scrutinized employee cohort, the millennials." ~ Jay Gilbert ~ Today's featured video/poem, The Lost Generation (1:45), by Jonathan Reed from Georgia State University in Atlanta, Georgia, won second prize in the AARP's U@50 video contest. The contest, launched in August 2007 on YouTube, gave people between the ages of 18 and 30 the chance to submit short videos on the subject of what they expect their lives to be like at age 50. The goal of the U@50 Challenge was to encourage intergenerational dialogue enabling young people to speak their minds and give AARP insight into their views. More than 50 videos were submitted from across the country and from these. The five top videos were selected by a panel of judges. Jonathan's ingenious work was inspired by a 2006 advertisement for Argentinean presidential candidate Ricardo Lopez Murphy called “The Truth,” which won a Silver Lion award at the Cannes Film Festival. I provide the full palindrome poem (both forwards and backwards) below after the YouTube of the poem. I hope it both informs and inspires you (both goals of this blog) as a leader of the new millennials. Remember this week's affirmations after that. The Lost Generation I am part of a lost generation and I refuse to believe that I can change the world I realize this may be a shock but “Happiness comes from within.” is a lie, and “Money will make me happy.” So in 30 years I will tell my children they are not the most important thing in my life My employer will know that I have my priorities straight because work is more important than family I tell you this Once upon a time Families stayed together but this will not be true in my era This is a quick fix society Experts tell me 30 years from now, I will be celebrating the 10th anniversary of my divorce I do not concede that I will live in a country of my own making In the future Environmental destruction will be the norm No longer can it be said that My peers and I care about this earth It will be evident that My generation is apathetic and lethargic It is foolish to presume that There is hope. And all of this will come true unless we choose to reverse it... There is hope. It is foolish to presume that My generation is apathetic and lethargic It will be evident that My peers and I care about this earth No longer can it be said that Environmental destruction will be the norm In the future I will live in a country of my own making I do not concede that 30 years from now, I will be celebrating the 10th anniversary of my divorce Experts tell me This is a quick fix society but this will not be true in my era Families stayed together Once upon a time I tell you this family is more important than work I have my priorities straight because My employer will know that they are not the most important thing in my life So in 30 years I will tell my children “Money will make me happy.” is a lie, and “Happiness comes from within.” I realize this may be a shock but I can change the world and I refuse to believe that I am part of a lost generation This Week's Affirmations (Repeat these quietly to yourself multiple times throughout the day.) I have hope. I inspire hope in others. I understand that work may not be the most important thing to some people. My happiness comes from within. I can change the world. Have an amazing journey today! Alan Inspiration and lessons for your leadership journey! “It's so important to know that you can choose to feel good. Most people don’t think they have that choice." ~ Neil Simon ~ Many people may not know that many years ago I went through a heart-wrenching divorce, was diagnosed with depression, and battled with a mortgage company that ended in a bankruptcy. For a period of time, I even had to borrow a car from my sister and brother-in-law and then my own son, just to get to work. Today, I am happily married to an amazing woman and teacher, am healthy and fit, and enjoy more financial abundance than I’ve ever had. What turned my life around? How was I transformed? For some clues, read what I began to do first thing every morning in these excerpts from Chapter 3, GPS for Leaders, of A Travel Guide to Leadership: (Don't forget to watch this week's video at the end!) Excerpts from A Travel Guide to Leadership |
Alan Mikolaj
Alan Mikolaj is a a professional, experienced, positive, and passionate speaker, leadership and organizational development consultant, change agent, author, and coach. He holds his Master of Arts degree in Clinical Psychology from Sam Houston State University. He is a certified graduate coach from Coaching Out of the Box and holds his ACC and membership with the International Coaching Federation (ICF). Free Discovery Conversation!
Impactful change starts with a conversation! Schedule your free, one-hour session by clicking here: Discovery Conversation with Alan
Or call or email: Contact Page In his third book, A Travel Guide to Leadership, Alan offers you simple, fundamental, and powerful lessons that have the power to transform you, your relationships, and your career.
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